Closed Foundation Events
Acceglio Foundation: Initiatives And Projects.
After a long period of settlement (since the birth in 2012) due to the awaiting time before getting the required State Authorizations, the Foundation takes its start in 2016. The aims of our Foundation is mainly to promote, sustain and safeguard Acceglio social, socioeconomic and environmental development.
The way to reach these objectives is through the development and spread of culture, instruction, formation, promotion of tourism with the respect of our environment, and preservation and enhancement of historic and architectural heritage.
The President, co-operating with four Counsellors, Francesco Revello, Paola Bressy, Rosano Giovanni e Baralis Andrea, has started their commitment with some initiatives.
For the school year 2016-17 they are planning to award Student Grants for high-Primary and High School students who might obtain good scores.
A free English Course has already started in a classroom given by the Municipality of Acceglio. The course is addressed to every person who likes to participate. 25 people are enrolled, but only 15 are faithful attending classes. The two-days-a-week course lasts for three months until January included. It is very much welcomed also because it incentives aggregation of people during lonely winter time.
Another project is the realization of a Documentary film about Matteo Olivero (1879-1932), a Divisionism painter born in Acceglio who lived in Cuneo, Turin, and Saluzzo. The first shooting has started in our the valley, spots where the painter set up his easel and worked his magic.
As far as tourism is concerned, they are planning to promote a cycling-hiking way from Ponte Marmora to Acceglio-Chiappera (about 25 km long). The way runs along the river Maira and is a wonderful trail cycling and trekking
Next 17th December 2016 the Foundation is going to meet the population of Acceglio, together with the Mayor and other authorities to let people know intentions and movements of our team, but, most of all, in order to listen what people want from us.